Halloween is always a favorite in our house and it’s not because of the candy. Huh? That’s right, our kids are not focused on eating candy during the Halloween season. That’s not the everyday, run-of-the-mill idea…and here’s where it gets even better. The kids focus on giving away their Halloween candy. They certainly try to get as much as they can and their eyes shine with great anticipation and light whenever someone opens the door, just as anyone else.
“Trick or treat!” they exclaim. (Actually, Esther says something like, “Tweowtweeee!” But she sure learned quickly to emulate her older brother-mentor and hold her bag open for the gift that is put inside).
The idea for our Halloween tradition started with an idea that a friend gave me. We begin with canvassing the neighborhood for treats. Then, the children get home and pick out a few candy pieces that are especially attached to so they can eat them. The rest of the loot goes to the ‘Candy Fairy’. She visits our house every year on Halloween night. She takes the candy that the kids have offered her, gives all the chocolate pieces to me and my husband to enjoy, and then leaves a gift for each of the kids.
This year, Joseph got up and led Esther into the house to find their gifts. And they walked, hand in hand until they reached their destination. Glen and I heard exclamations and kids came running into our bedroom, talking breathlessly. Glen did a good job of getting Esther’s new doll out of its package and Joseph went right to work on his newest Lego project.
We love to welcome the Candy Fairy into our home.
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