Friday, December 4, 2009

Sunday Service With A Smile

Last Sunday, we had the opportunity to be well-utilized at church. Glen and I gave talks about missionary work and Joseph got to give a talk in Primary. Then, Glen and I both taught lessons. We all had a great time!  Being prepared with our church assignments helped us immensely.

Each time I am asked to give a talk, I remember a very eventful Sunday Glen and I had after moving into our new ward in Clovis, NM. I was pregnant with Joseph and we had just been there a few months. That Sunday, as we arrived at church, I had a very distinct prayer in my heart for the sacrament meeting speakers. And as I sat down in my seat, I was eager to hear what the speakers would say. The sacrament was passed and then the person conducting the meeting stood up to tell about who would be speaking.

The brother who conducted was a cheerful man and said in an equally cheerful voice, “And now we will be pleased to hear from Sister Stowers, followed by a talk by Brother Stowers.” He smiled a broad smile, looked out over the congregation and took his seat.

The peace I felt turned to amusement and I thought, “This must be a joke. I wonder who the REAL speakers are going to be…”

Then, as I looked around and saw expectant faces smiling back at us, I realized that this may not be anything to be amused by. And the kind brother who had been at the podium did not reveal any surprises that would have relieved us.

As the congregation waited, we quickly located a program. Sure enough, the program revealed our names, and therefore the congregation would be blessed to hear from us, The Stowers family. I was so glad that I had prayed for the speakers!

Glen assured me that I could bear my testimony and that he would take up the rest of the time. I walked slowly up, and after quickly whispering to the bishopric that I didn’t know I was speaking that day, I cranked out the best smile I had for that particular occasion and bore my testimony. It was the shortest talk I have ever given.  I felt so much better when I became a part of the congregation once more.

Glen gave a wonderful talk and taught us his Young Men’s lesson he had planned for later at church.  Ironically, his lesson was about dealing with and overcoming adversity.

After sacrament meeting, I approached the brother who had conducted the meeting.

“I had no idea that we had talks today…” I started.

He smiled broadly once again, and said, “I asked your husband about it three weeks ago and he must have forgotten.” He then shook my hand and thanked me.

“Oh certainly, the pleasure was all mine,” I said weakly.

By the end of church, Glen vaguely remembered being asked to give talks.

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